Walindi Primary School Celebrated the Launching of New Double Classroom donated by Digicel Foundation

Walindi Primary School Celebrated the Launching of New Double Classroom donated by Digicel Foundation

Digicel PNG Kimbe Branch General Manager Hanzel Nangoi officiates the launching of the new double classroom at Walindi Primary School on 14th July 2023 in West New Britain Province.

Wednesday 26th July 2023, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea || Walindi Primary School in West New Britain Province celebrated the launching of its new double classroom that was donated by Digicel PNG Foundation. The celebration took place at the school premises on Friday 14th July 2023.

Since its establishment in 2008, Digicel Foundation has been investing in education for the past 15 years as it believes that every child has the right to education. Through Digicel PNG Foundation’s  Education Infrastructure Development Program, Waves Contractors were engaged to work on the classroom project for Walindi Primary School in Talasea District, West New Britain Province. The school urgently needed classroom to address its issue of overcrowding.

On behalf of Walindi Primary School, Secretary and Treasurer Mrs. Cecilie Benjamin thanked Digicel Foundation for gifting the school with a classroom which will greatly benefit the students. She also acknowledged the school board of management and administration for its strong management and leadership which helped in securing the support from Digicel Foundation.

‘’This engagement with Digicel Foundation to achieve the result we have now has changed Walindi Primary School for the better. We look forward to working together in future projects to improve Walindi Primary School.’’

The completed school infrastructure project comes with an office for the Principal, two fully furnished classrooms inclusive of 20 standard student desks, whiteboards, pin boards and teachers’ tables and chairs for each classroom. The project also includes a solar rooftop panels for electricity, a 9,000L Tuffa tank on a reinforced concrete base with a lockable tap to ensure the students have access to clean drinking water, and toilet/shower facilities for students.

The official launch event organized by the school and community was attended by Member for Talasea Hon. Freddie Reu Kumai, representatives from the District Administration, the Provincial Division of Education, Provincial Police, NBC Kimbe, School Board, teachers, parents and students. Digicel PNG team in Kimbe were also invited to attend the event.

Digicel PNG Foundation was delighted to donate the K350,000 worth classroom infrastructure to Walindi Primary School. To date, over K2.2million was invested in West New Britain Province, with six primary schools, six elementary schools, one ambulance and one community grant. In total, Digicel PNG Foundation has invested over K169 million into social projects in all provinces across PNG.