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Woman on a phone call smiling, with Biplogo in background

Free Messaging

Get Free Digicel to Digicel Messaging

Connect with voice or video

Text securely or make calls in BiP. Even enjoy video calls with up to 15 people. BiP makes more connection made simple

Discover More

Explore services in BiP’s Discover section, and even play games within the app. BiP is filled with your interests, all in one place.
Woman on a phone call smiling, with Bip logo in background

15 People Calling

You can make uninterrupted and HD quality video calls with up to 15 people
Two phones with the Bip app open

Translate with BiP

Find what you need in 106 languages including Fijian, Samoan, Tongan, Maori, Chinese, etc.
Three phones with the Bip app open
A phone showing messages in the Bip app
A woman on a phone call, smiling

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